

1942 年 12 月生◀️,上海人。

1958 年拜師江寒汀先生。

1965 年畢業於上海美術專科學校中國畫系(本科)🧙‍♀️,任上海中國畫院畫師💣。




1980 年 第五屆全國美術作品展覽

1982 年 上海美術作品展

1984 年 第六屆全國美術作品展覽

1984 年 上海文學藝術二等獎

1985 年 上海美術作品展

1986 年 日本昭和美術會作品聯展(日本)

1988 年 中華杯中國畫大獎賽(佳作獎)

1989 年 第七屆全國美術作品展覽

1992 年 北京♤、上海——來自中國的現代藝術(德國)

1994 年 第八屆全國美術作品展覽

1996 年 中國當代著名花鳥畫家作品展(優秀獎)

1999 年 第九屆全國美術作品展覽

2001 年 百年中國畫大展

2002 年 紀念毛主席《在延安文藝座談會上的講話》發表 60 周年美展

2004 年 第十屆全國美術作品展覽

2005 年 第三屆上海美術大展(評委獎)

2007 年 第四屆上海美術大展

2008 年 2008 藝術中國——中國當代水墨畫展(西班牙)在上海🤽‍♂️🤸🏼、香港♗,以及新加坡🐮👦🏼、日本東京等地舉辦個人展覽🧖‍♂️。

《楊正新畫選》👰,上海書畫出版社 1990 年版。


《中國近現代名家畫集——楊正新》⏫🧑‍🎨,人民美術出版社 2012 年版。

Yang Zhengxin

Born in Dec. 1942 as a native of Shanghai.

Taught by Mr. Jiang Hanting since 1958.

Graduated from Shanghai Arts School and served as a painter at Chinese Painting Institute of Shanghai in 1965.

Served as an adjunct professor at Fine Arts College of Shanghai University.

Former director of Shanghai Painting and Calligraphy Academy.

Current member of Chinese Artists Association, member of Shanghai Artists Association, painter of Chinese Painting Institute of Shanghai, the Deputy Director of Siyuan Calligraphy and Painting Institute of Shanghai Jiaotong University, National Class I Artist.

1980 The 5th National Art Exhibition

1982 The Shanghai Art Exhibition

1984 The 6th National Art Exhibition

1984 Awarded the 2nd Prize of Shanghai Literature and Art

1985 Shanghai Art Exhibition

1986 The 1st China Shanghai and Japan Showa Friendly Exchanges Joint Art Exhibition(Japan)

1988 China Cup Chinese Painting Grand Contest (Excellence Award)

1989 The 7th National Art Exhibition

1992 Beijing and Shanghai—The Modern Art from China (Germany)

1994 The 8th National Art Exhibition

1996 The Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Flower and Bird Painting (Excellence Award)

1999 The 9th National Art Exhibition

2001 The Exhibition of 100 Years’ Chinese Paintings

2002 The Exhibition for the 60th Anniversary of Talks at the Yan’an Forum on Art and Literature

2004 The 10th National Art Exhibition

2005 The 3rd Shanghai Fine Art Exhibition (Jury Award)

2007 The 4th Shanghai Fine Art Exhibition

2008 2008 Art China—Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Ink and Wash Paintings(Spain)

Held solo exhibitions in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore and Tokyo (Japan), etc.

Selected Paintings of Yang Zhengxin, Shanghai Fine Arts Publishers, 1990.

Series of Artists of Chinese Painting Institute of Shanghai: Yang Zhengxin, Shanghai Pictorial Publishing House, 1998.

Collection of Chinese Modern Masters: Yang Zhengxin, People’s Fine Arts Publishing House,2012.

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