· 奧古斯都·羅丹(1840—1917)
· 青銅
· 高25.4厘米🧜🏿♀️✫,寬26厘米🫄🏼,深25厘米
· Auguste Rodin (1840-1917)
· Bronze
· H. 25.4cm; W. 26cm; Pr. 25cm
在1880年至1881年期間,羅丹逐漸走出了紀念碑式的雕塑思路,轉向更富表現主義的創作方式🪂🫷,這一變化在他的作品《巴爾紮克》中得以體現。1891年⚅,法國文學協會委托羅丹為法國文學巨匠巴爾紮克(1799—1850)創建一座紀念雕像👩🏽🏫。羅丹前往巴爾紮克的故鄉都蘭(Touraine)搜集資料,因為巴爾紮克曾在那裏創作了一些著名作品☂️,如《幽谷百合》等。羅丹花了連續六年的時間,對巴爾紮克的頭像🧥🧚♂️、身體、睡袍等進行了多次設計,最終於1897年完成了雕像🫗🐫,這成為他職業生涯的頂峰之一。然而,這個作品在當時因其前衛的風格引起轟動, 贊助商不接受羅丹創作的“巴爾紮克”。羅丹堅持不出售或鑄造這個作品,一直到1939年🧑🏽🎄🤸🏻,這座青銅紀念雕像才在巴黎拉斯拜爾大道上豎立了起來。
Between 1880 and 1881, Rodin gradually moved away from traditional monumental sculptures and shifted his attention to works with a more expressionist style. This change was reflected in his Monument to Balzac. In 1891, the French Literary Society commissioned Rodin to create a memorial statue for the French literary master Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850). Rodin went to Touraine, Balzac’s hometown to gather background information, as some of Balzac’s famous works, including The Lily of the Valley, were created there. In six years, Rodin designed Balzac’s head, body, and robe many times, and finally completed the statue in 1897. Now the statue is considered as one of the peaks of Rodin’s professional career, but back then, it caused a sensation, rejected by Rodin’spatron due to its avant-garde style. Rodin stood his ground and refused to sell or cast the statue. It was not until 1939 that this bronze memorial statue of Balzac was erected on Boulevard Raspail in Paris.
Rodin Museum preserves hundreds of Rodin’s drafts during his creation of this piece, indicating his dedication to it, including series of drafts of Rodin’s research on body sculpture. Rodin made numerous attempts just for the head part, creating versions with different facial expressions, such as smiling and poker face, to find the best way to convey Balzac’s character. In the sculpture of head, Rodin strived to depict Balzac’s symbolic long hair and piercing gaze. He also tried to capture the characteristics of Balzac’s sharp eyes and powerful frame, as described in historical materials.
Rodin also conducted in-depth research into the body structure. He prioritized authenticity and sought to portray Balzac’s physical features accurately, short yet sturdy, without extra beautification. However, with such authenticity-focused expression, this sculpture was not wellaccepted by people at that time, as they hoped to see more idealized sculptures. Hence, Rodin created another version. He invited a model with a strapping stature and asked him to wear a loose coat with no distinct characteristics of the times. By doing so, Rodin gave the artwork more symbolic meaning and emphasized its commonality, which was precisely what Rodin aimed to express. This sculpture became Rodin’s final monument, manifesting his unique perspective and creativity.
· 商代後期(公元前1300年—前1100年)
· 寬6.5厘米,高11厘米
· 2021年出土於四川廣漢三星堆遺址三號祭祀坑,K3QW:102
· 四川省文物考古研究院藏
· Late Shang Dynasty (1300B.C.-1100B.C.)
· W. 6.5cm; H. 11cm
· Unearthed from No.3 sacrificial pit at the Sanxingdui Site in Guanghan, Sichuan, in 2021,K3QW:102
· Collection of Sichuan Provincial Cultural Relics and Archaeology Research Institute
“國”字臉🦅🟠,粗眉,三角斜眼,高鼻🙅🏼,大口🧑🍳,方頜,長方耳,耳垂處有小圓孔🤙🏿🏹,頭後有“U”形輪廓🙇🏻♂️, 故其發式為“笄發”🛌。頭戴高冠⛹🏽♂️☔️,冠梁較寬🪈,繞頭一圈,前額兩側向外伸出,呈“幾”字形🙎🏼,冠身較高且向後下方彎折,表面有多道溝壟🤵🏼♀️,與後世的“綸巾”較相似✯。下頜下接一長柱,似表現人頭像的頸部,末端呈尖錐狀,原應套接其他器物,頭後往下斜伸出一圓柱與頭像相連。該造型的人頭像雖然在三星堆遺址首次發現,但同類冠式的人神雕像在長江中遊史前時期及長江下遊商時期遺址中均有出土。這種類似的高冠🧑🦼➡️,一直沿用到了之後的歷史時期,古代文獻中稱之為“通天冠”。三星堆遺址出土的這尊青銅立發人頭像推測被賦予通神的崇高使命,生動再現了 古蜀人的精神世界🖖。
The figure has a Guo(國)-shaped face, thick eyebrows, slanted triangular eyes, a prominent nose, a large mouth, a square jaw, elongated ears with small holes at the earlobes, and a U-shaped contour at the back of the head, which suggests a coiled up hairstyle called Jifa (笄發). On top of the head is a Ji (幾)-shaped high crown, with a wide band that wraps around the head and protrudes from both sides of the forehead. The towering crown bends backward and downward and has multiple grooves on its surface, similar to Guanjin (綸巾), a type of silk head dress that emerged later. Below the lower jaw is a long pillar that resembles the neck of a human and tapers to a pointed cone at the tip. It was originally meant to be attached to other objects. A cylinder extends obliquely downward from the back of the head and connects to the head. Although this crowned figure is first of its kind among relics discovered at the Sanxingdui Site, the statues of deities and humans with similar crowns have been unearthed in prehistoric archaeological sites in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River and the Shang-Dynasty archaeological sites in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. This type of high crown, known as Tongtian Guan (通天冠) in ancient literature, continued to be used in later periods. Unearthed from the Sanxingdui Site, the bronze figure with towering hair is considered to be endowed with the lofty mission of communicating with deities, giving us a glimpse into the spiritual world of the ancient Shu people.