“青銅之光”展品解讀 | 黃金面具&戴面紗的女人

2024-01-08 22:39:54     瀏覽量🧑🏽‍🍼:   




第二部分 以人傳神



· 商代後期(公元前1300年—前1100年)

· 高約28厘米🏎,寬約23厘米

· 2021年出土於四川廣漢三星堆遺址五號祭祀坑💆🏼,K5:3

· 四川省文物考古研究院藏

· Late Shang Dynasty (1300B.C. - 1100B.C.)

· H. c. 28cm; W. c. 23cm

· Unearthed from No.5 sacrificial pit at the Sanxingdui Site in Guanghan, Sichuan, in 2021,K5:3

Collection of Sichuan Provincial Cultural Relics and Archaeology Research Institute



The gold mask was twisted when it was just unearthed. Later, it was cleaned and unfolded to the shape we see today. While the forehead, eyebrow, eye, and parts of the nose, mouth, and lower jaw on the left half is missing, the right half is better preserved, with damages only to the forehead, eyebrow, and part of the eye. The gold mask features an overall slender and elongated face. The large eyes are half-moon shaped with flat upper edges. There is a semi-arc raised fold below each eye, similar in curvature to the lower edge of the eye. The nose is pointed and in a three-dimensional triangular shape. The mouth is long and rectangular with a hollowed center. The lower jaw juts outward, forming a narrow strip parallel to the mouth.The ear is relatively long, with rounded and blunt corners, slightly protruding at the top, decorated with Goujuan Wen (勾卷紋, curl-shaped pattern) inside, and the earlobe has circular perforation. Research concludes that the gold mask was likely used to cover a curved surface of a head.

The gold mask demonstrates intricate craftsmanship.As a typical artifact unearthed from the Sanxingdui Site, it was used on religious and ceremonial occasions. Unique design and superb craftsmanship make it a precious art piece among ancient Chinese gold ware.


· 朱塞佩·克羅夫(1810—1869)

· 漢白玉

· 約1853年完成

· 高51.5厘米🚴🏿‍♀️,寬28厘米,深24厘米

· Giuseppe Croff (1810 - 1869)

· White Marble

· About 1853

· H.51.5cm; W.28cm; Pr.24cm


Giuseppe Croff was an Italian sculptor, who once worked in the Lombardy region between Milan and Lake Como. Giuseppe Croff was one of the few sculptors commissioned by the Austrian emperor to create artworks to celebrate his coronation as the King of Lombardy. Deeply influenced by Neoclassicism, Croff continuously honed his marble carving skills and showcased the charm of classicism. This lifelike sculpture portrays a woman wearing a transparent veil, leaving a profound impression on readers.












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